Trip to London, day 02

SNERK is a Norwegian word describing the thin membrane that appears on your porridge if you leave it out for too long. It can also be used to describe an unwanted situation – kind of a cross between a shambles and a cock-up.
Today we had some SNERK!

First off, Yaris Hilton wasn’t running all that well, but after a few early morning phone calls and some luck the Toyota Økern workshop in Oslo made time for us in their busy schedule.

Next off, the Russian Embassy let me know that the visa application had been rejected for the 2nd time. The confirmation letter from The Adventurists about what we are up to was apparently no good. What we would have to do, was to get some documents through a Russian travel agent stating what we were doing over there.

In the meantime, our good friends at Visumhjelpen were calling, faxing and mailing every official they could bother, until we had the required documents. It was time to go to the Russian Embassy again.
Where the application promptly was rejected for a 3rd time!

More calling, faxing and mailing, new documents arriving – and back to the Russian Embassy. At this point we were not above begging and crying. After some emotional outbursts and heavy persuasion we finally got it through – ready to pick up on Thursday.
The plan was to leave Norway today!

Next – the Iranian Embassy.
When we originally delivered our visa application, they let us know that it would take 3 weeks to process.
This was 6 weeks ago.

The closest we got this time was a somewhat vague answer that the documents would be ready next week. Next week?!? That means we’ll miss the start in London and also the Czech Party! No! Please not the Czech party!
So we ask if it is at all possible to get the visa from another Embassy on the way when the application comes through.
We are told it’s not possible. So now what?

Next, we get a call from our friends at the Toyota workshop. We are hoping for good news. They tell us they can’t figure out what’s wrong with the car, so they need more time. Well, as it turns out we’re here until Thursday anyway, so no problem.

The one good thing is that we picked up the paperwork for the Carnet De Passage at NAF (the Norwegian equivalent of the AA). This document is needed for being allowed to take the car through Iran. Although this seems like a waste of time at the moment, we are not ready to give up yet!

We’ve booked the ferry out of Oslo for Thursday – Iranian visa or not. So we are hoping that we manage to sort it out along the way.

Hopefully, tomorrow will bring some good news.

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