27. juli 2014 larsman

The Rally, day 07

Photo: Doganaj, Kosovo.
So far, Montenegro has been the highlight of the trip and it’s a bit sad to leave.

The landscape in Montenegro is amazing, but their signage isn’t. On the way to the Albanian border we get lost several times.

Just before the border, a guy is hitchhiking by the side of the road. Since our car is such a huge monster, we don’t think twice before letting him in. Introductions are made, and we get to know Peter from Copenhagen.

Peter and Snorre

Peter has been pressed into service as mapreader and photographer.

Peter is backpacking from Denmark to Skopje, to support his sister who plays for Denmark in the Women’s Junior U20 World Championship.

On the Albanian side of the border, it seems the local government also found that saving money on signage keeps those pesky tourists at bay, so we drive around the countryside for an hour until we hit the correct road to the south.

We continue, and after a while go north and towards Kosovo. All the border crossings so far have been relatively painless, and this one is no exception. After standing in line for half an hour, we enter the country.

The road takes us east, until we go south again and cross into Macedonia. After 50 km we reach the capital Skopje, where we suddenly are greeted by another Mongol Rally team: Blood, Sweat and Beers.

This seems like a good place to set up camp for the night.

Don’t forget to check out our ever-growing photo gallery of mind-numbing colourful-ness.

This is where we are currently ->

The odometer shows 418 km traveled, and we’ve been through Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia.

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