Who are we?

Who are we?

We are Team Yak in Black.
In reality though, we are Snorre and Lars from Røros, Norway. To go on this adventure together means sitting in a Toyota Yaris for thousands of miles, while around us adventure beckons, together with the promise of straight roads (sure!), fair maidens holding frosty beers (right!) and horizons promising magic, excitement and possibly dry socks.

We’ve known each other for some time, and while neither of us has been on something quite like the Mongol Rally before, we both bring to the table such diverse skills as:

Professional scuba diving – really fast video editing – the ability to withstand temperatures well below freezing (look up Røros on Wikipedia if you don’t believe us) – the skill to make food out of anything that comes out of a tin – bilingual proficiency in a language – did we mention scuba diving? – growing beards really fast – and many other things too numerous and boring to mention.

Also, check out our Team Homepage on The Adventurist’s site

Ah, and before I forget: please help us save the earth. We’re not talking about tree hugging or other semi-erotic activities. Just give us some money. It’s for this charity, see? Click on the button below to find out more.

Visit Cool Earth
The Mongol Rally

The Mongol Rally

Some people might wonder: What is it? And why would anyone want to do it?

As the organizers of The Mongol Rally, The Adventurists, like to say:

The Mongol Rally is 16 000 kilometres of feral, unsupported adventuring chaos from the UK to Mongolia in cars the size of a lawnmower. It’s not clever, it’s not safe and you might not finish but it is the greatest adventure on the planet. Your car has only 3 wheels left and the engine just fell off. Before you is 1000 miles of off-road that would make a Land Rover shit itself.
The Adventurists

Now, if that isn’t enough for you, the Mongol Rally is actually a fund raiser as well. So a part of the fun is to collect money for the projects of Cool Earth.

So we’ll be saving the world while having the adventure of a lifetime!

Read more about the Mongol Rally


Get your swag here.
How, you wonder? Nothing could be easier. First, you send us your money in an envelope (no e-mails). Did we mention we are (in and) out of the country between July and October?

But seriously, we have lots of nice things. T-shirts and whatnot. If you’d like one, let us know by clicking here. They are NOK 200,- each, and the money goes to the Cool Earth Project, because we are after all driving our petrol-driven car all the way to Ulaan Baatar in order to save the rainforest (don’t think we don’t see the irony in that).

Mail us at post@mongolrally.no
Ask us about colours and sizes

You’ll receive your snazzy new threads in the post as soon as possible.
Caveat emptor.

Order by e-mail
Help us save the world and get cool stuff

Help us save the world and get cool stuff

Want to feel really superior?
Save a tree. Or maybe store som CO2.

Think we’re joking? Nope. The fact is, that we like to breathe. It’s pretty much our favourite thing. Breathing is good, and for it to work we need oxygen. So we thought that driving The Mongol Rally and collecting money for the biggest oxygen-factory on the planet must be a good investment for the future!

So rain forests it is. They are also excellent for producing adventures, like lost cities, ancient ruins, plateaus with dinosaurs on them, and miles and miles of jungle tracks. Do you want to live without all that?
No, didn’t think so. Neither do we.

So give some of that hard-earned money of yours to the CoolEarth charity and secure your place in heaven.
Who says you can’t take it with you.

Go to our donations-page
The Adventurists

The Adventurists

The Adventurists are fighting to make the world less boring.

We’re talking about the world being mapped and too frickin’ safe for your own good. It’s about the need to go out there and stub a toe. Or lose a wheel. Or drive your little car off a cliff screaming, while your co-pilot has lost every bit of sanity he once had and now is concerned solely with the fact that the car/coffin you are sitting in is hurtling towards the ground at 100 000 miles per hour, ending in a sound you just know is going to be something like argh-argh-argh-crunch!.

Honestly, we can’t really say it any better than they have done themselves – on their own homepage. At length.

Visit The Adventurists

Mongol Rally documentary

Have a look at the Mongol Rally documentary from 2012 by Javier Sobremazas.

Pryamo, Pryamo! («Straight ahead!»). That’s what people told us when we were lost on our journey to Mongolia. It took us 46 days to cross the 18 countries and over 10,000 miles that separate Santander from Ulaan Baatar. All in a second (or even third) hand Renault Clio!
Javier Sobremazas

Toyota Slettum Bil

Toyota Slettum Bil

That’s right. This spot is reserved for you.
We still have some available space on our car, and we need YOU to sponsor us!

Get in touch


This space for rent

This space for rent

Space is at a premium. Ayuh.
Although there still are some clear patches on our car, we only want YOUR logo there!

Get in touch



Get in touch with us

you don't have to if you're gonna be a baby about it