25. august 2014 larsman

Interlude in Iran

No, it’s NOT getting to be a habit!

What have we been up to? As you might have noticed, we’ve been almost completely silent for the past two weeks. This was while we were stuck in Iran with crap wi-fi and partially blocked websites.

There are ways around such blocks, but we didn’t want to get in trouble for using «illegal» software, hence the silence on our part.

The reason for the overlong stay in Iran, was, of course, due to more visa-shenanigans at a couple of embassies (they won’t be receiving christmas cards from us anytime soon – you hear me, Uzbekistan?)

Therefore, Snorre and Lars had to split up.

Snorre, who got the transit visa (precious), and Yaris Hilton are now at the border between Iran and Turkmenistan, where they’ll hopefully cross without incident.

Lars, who either had to go via camel on backroads through Afghanistan, or not, had no choice but to take a plane from Mashhad in Iran to Tajikistan last night.

The two will meet up again in Dushanbe in a couple of days, where they hopefully will get to drive one of the worlds most dangerous roads: The Pamir Highway.

The Pamir Highway
The Pamir Highway


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