22. mai 2014 larsman


We need you!
If we are going to get properly lost on our way to fame and Ulaan Baatar, we need funds. We already have a few sponsors, but this is after all 35 000 kms we are talking about, and we have to take all kinds of stuff with us to be able to go through with it.

Don’t believe us?
Here are a couple of things we’ll need to take with us:

  • Spare tyres
  • Maps
  • First-, second- and third-aid kit
  • LEDs
  • Sheep-repellant
  • Several types of batteries that fit into a plethora of gizmos
  • A wireless
  • Camera- and computer equipment with spare parts
  • A couple gallons of sunscreen factor 5 billion
  • Cooler-bags (not sure they are called that, though)
  • Tools (assorted)
  • Mudflaps
  • Tea – and lots of it
  • CB-radio
  • Goggles (for when the windshield implodes)
  • Insurances
  • Tents and other camping equipment
  • Food
  • Visas and sundry documents
  • Vaccines
  • Luck (the good kind)
  • Sympathy

…and a lot more…

So if you think you’ll have to throw money after us when you see us in the street – not so!
We have a bank account and everything:

4280 15 02061


Download the sponsorship agreement and more info

Info folder
Poster A3




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you don't have to if you're gonna be a baby about it