Track us

Want to know where we are at any given time?

Check out the map The Adventurists have created, where all teams show up as a ‘blip’. All you have to do is click the button below and you’ll see if (when) we’re lost (hint: the red dot is us).

Cool t-shirts!

Vi har to limited edition CoolEarth Adventurists t-skjorter i størrelse M og L som vi trekker ut blant de av dere som donerer på denne siden ->
De heldige vinnerne blir annonsert på Zimla den 11.7. Be there 🙂

Oppdatert 11.7.: Monica H. Langen og John Eirik Nilsen fikk hver sin gør-grønne CoolEarth-Adventurists t-skjorte. Tusen takk for donasjonene 😉

Official Trailer of The Mongol Rally DVD

One stand-up comic, no planning, bugger all money, 10,000 miles, no car… Adventurism at its very best!
Every summer hundreds of brave teams thunder over mountain ranges and across open steppe in pursuit of glorious adventure mayhem. Now you can enjoy the epic tale of stand up comic Buddy taking the legendary Rally to a whole new level of stupidity. With no car and no lift arranged, he hitchhikes, crawls, begs and scrapes his way to Mongolia entertaining the teams and locals all the way.

Visit The Adventurists here:

The team needs you

We’ve taken the first step on the long and winding road to Ulaan Baator. The fee is paid, and the application forms are filed for the 11th Mongol Rally, HIIIIHAAAA!!!
Now all there is left to do is to buy a crappy car, get some sponsors, find some team mates and get ready for the start in the UK, on the 19th of July 2014.

Continue reading “The team needs you” »


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you don't have to if you're gonna be a baby about it