The Rally, day 24-28

The next day, we meet the famous Mr. Mousavi. It turns out that he really is a wizard, and he starts out by helping us to exchange some Dollars in to Rials. For this he recommends an office that is specialized in these matters, and we get ready to go there.

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When the shit hits the fan belt and the exhaust drops off

The 4 Wheelies. Image used with permission from The Adventurists

Things break down on the rally, but mostly it’s all part of the fun. Proper Mongol Rallyers don’t whine, they get down in the dirt and duct-tape that piston in place!

Here follows an unofficial list of some of the things that have happened to some of the teams in the Mongol Rally 2014 so far.

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Yaris Hilton

Our trusted Mongol Rally car has, in a bright moment of beer fog, been given her name: Yaris Hilton. May she bring us safe to our destination and back again! 🙂

Here she is dreaming about hot days in the Karakoram Desert.

I’m sure when all 3 of us are boiling in the 50+ degrees, we long back to a wee bit of Norwegian winter.


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