For those of you lazy bastards who can’t be bothered to read the blogposts, we’ve created a bullet-point version. And yeah, we’re planning a proper book, too 🙂
The Schnappi-incident
It’s the Mongol Rally 2014, and we wanted to get some extra money for charity.
We auctioned off the opportunity for people to decide one song we would have to listen to for a whole day, while driving the rally.
The winner of the auction chose «Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil».
Check this out
Cool t-shirts!
Vi har to limited edition CoolEarth Adventurists t-skjorter i størrelse M og L som vi trekker ut blant de av dere som donerer på denne siden ->
De heldige vinnerne blir annonsert på Zimla den 11.7. Be there 🙂
Oppdatert 11.7.: Monica H. Langen og John Eirik Nilsen fikk hver sin gør-grønne CoolEarth-Adventurists t-skjorte. Tusen takk for donasjonene 😉
Yak-party on July 11th
You should really make a note of the date Friday, July 11th.
Write it down in your calendar, will you?
Alrighty, then.