The Schnappi-incident

It’s the Mongol Rally 2014, and we wanted to get some extra money for charity.
We auctioned off the opportunity for people to decide one song we would have to listen to for a whole day, while driving the rally.

The winner of the auction chose «Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil».


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The Rally, day 24-28

The next day, we meet the famous Mr. Mousavi. It turns out that he really is a wizard, and he starts out by helping us to exchange some Dollars in to Rials. For this he recommends an office that is specialized in these matters, and we get ready to go there.

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The Rally, day 08

We travel through Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia and Greece, to the border of Turkey.

Team BS&B (Blood, Sweat and Beers) have an ambitious plan to get up at 7am to get an early start on the long way towards Istanbul. So at the crack of 11am, our mini convoy is on the move.

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The Rally, day 05

We travel through Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia.

We set off through the sunflower fields of Southern Hungary, heading towards former Yugoslavia. The Croatian border is the first crossing where we had to bring out the passports, but it only takes a couple of minutes to get through.

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The Rally, day 03-04

Day 1 of the Mongol Rally. Germany, Switzerland and the czech-out party.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014 at 17:00 – Wednesday, 23 July 2014 at 06:00 (CEST)
49° 19′ 52.81″ N 13° 13′ 20.95″ E, Czech Republic

It’s the day of the Czech-out party, yippeeee.

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Trip to London, day 03-05

From Oslo to London, where the Mongol Rally starts in Battersea Park.

Remember to check out our Gallery page for more images

Another hot day in the Norwegian capital starts off with a few phone calls to see how things are progressing. Toyota say they will have the car ready at the end of the day, although they still don’t know what the problem is.

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Driving for your life

Team Yak in Black had a bit of a spin with their new crap car (Sorry, Yaris Hilton).
This was to try out the car on a frozen lake, in case we ever encounter similar circumstances on our tour during the Mongol Rally this summer. No, really, it was mostly so we could do spins, brake spins and other stuff you’d be absolutely insane to do anywhere else! Shot entirely on Rambergsjøen on March 8th 2014 near Røros, Norway.

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Official Trailer of The Mongol Rally DVD

One stand-up comic, no planning, bugger all money, 10,000 miles, no car… Adventurism at its very best!
Every summer hundreds of brave teams thunder over mountain ranges and across open steppe in pursuit of glorious adventure mayhem. Now you can enjoy the epic tale of stand up comic Buddy taking the legendary Rally to a whole new level of stupidity. With no car and no lift arranged, he hitchhikes, crawls, begs and scrapes his way to Mongolia entertaining the teams and locals all the way.

Visit The Adventurists here:


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