The Rally, day 24-28

The next day, we meet the famous Mr. Mousavi. It turns out that he really is a wizard, and he starts out by helping us to exchange some Dollars in to Rials. For this he recommends an office that is specialized in these matters, and we get ready to go there.

Continue reading “The Rally, day 24-28” »

Track us

Want to know where we are at any given time?

Check out the map The Adventurists have created, where all teams show up as a ‘blip’. All you have to do is click the button below and you’ll see if (when) we’re lost (hint: the red dot is us).

Pimp my ride, part III

On these pictures you see the dashboard opened up to put in a few USB-ports we need for our gadgets. This was done by Audioart in Oslo, where Yaris Hilton got to mingle with a few other nice cars 😉


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you don't have to if you're gonna be a baby about it