23. juli 2014 larsman

The Rally, day 02

What a day!

The weather has lightened up, and I have a fantastic view over Lago Maggiore. After breakfast, the trip continues towards San Bernardino Pass, where the temperature is around 10 degrees.

Leaving Switzerland

Unfortunately, the top is shrouded in rain and fog, so no view at all. Due to the shit weather there is no point to go to Stelvia Pass either so we’re going north, towards München, Germany.

Where it rains. Great.
As the trip progresses, we find out new and exciting things about our car. For instance, that we forgot to put silicon around some of the bolts in the roof-mounted skibox, so now the car has an impromptu shower.

Thank whatever deities are listening, because even though it rains, we make it to Stefan in München where we get to fortify ourselves with strudel and coffee 🙂

After burping our thanks, we continue towards the Czech Republic and the grand party awaiting us.

It’s 11pm when we reach Klenova, and the odometer tells us that todays’ trip was 799 km.

Finally found Klenova Castle

Countries: Switzerland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic.



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