18. juli 2014 larsman

Yak in Black theme song

Listen to the Yak in Black theme song, by Fuzzbox Voodoo. A bearhug goes to Stein, Berit and John Eirik for doing this 😀 The melody might sound familiar (here come the takedown-notices), but the lyrics are uniqe.
Photo by Berit L. P. Hanssen.

FUZZBOX VOODOO has two members, as of today: John Eirik and Stein. When possible, Berit does additional vocals. Bass player and guitar nr. 2 are «hired hands» for the moment.
Recording Studio: Blackmail Studios, Hessdalen.

Yak In Black

Backing vocals and nagging female voice: Berit L. P. Hanssen.
Drums, backing vocals & co-producer: John Eirik Nilsen.
Lyrics, guitars, bass guitar, vocals, producer & sound engineer: Stein Hanssen.

Melody: AC/DC

See them ride into the sunset, in a tiny black machine
Tryin’ to find the road somewhere, if you see what I mean.
They’re dirty, mean, mighty unclean. The GPS is down.
Ain’t got PC, ain’t got Wi-Fi.
Don’t you start no fight…

Yak in black, and it’s back
Gonna try to explain what it’s all about.
It’s like, two guys, without wives, drivin’ all around to reach Mongolia.
Runnin’ around in a small Toyota car, makin’ the road as long as possible although it’s far.
With just four wheels, and some skills,
everybody wonders if they’ll make it there.

It’s a Yak. (Ya-ha-ha-ha-hak) And it’s black (Bla-ha-ha-ha-hak)
It’s a Yak. (Ya-ha-ha-ha-hak) And it’s black (Bla-ha-ha-ha-hak)
It’s a Ya-ha-ha-ha-hak, bla-ha-ha-ha-hak.
Yak-yaketi-yak, it’s the Yak in Black.

So you think a Yak is just a big stupid cow,
you are basically right but it is different also
It’s got long horns, it smells bad.
Most live in South Central Asia.

It’s a Yak. (Ya-ha-ha-ha-hak) And it’s black (Bla-ha-ha-ha-hak)
It’s a Yak. (Ya-ha-ha-ha-hak) And it’s black (Bla-ha-ha-ha-hak)
It’s a Ya-ha-ha-ha-hak, bla-ha-ha-ha-hak.
Yak-yaketi-yak, it’s the Yak in Black.

It’s a Yak (It’s a Bovidae)
And it’s black (Not normally no)
It’s a Yak (domesticated mammal)
and it’s black (no, it’s still brown-ish)
Ya-ha-ha-ha-hak, bla-ha-ha-ha-hak.
Yaketi-yak, it is Yak in Black.

Would you stop that nonsense of yours, I’m tryin’ to get some sleep!
And by the way – remember to fill enough petrol, have clean underwear at all times, and please, get the car back home safe.
Good night.



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